Primary language: English

Multilingual Support:

Some of the following may be self-explanatory through app navigation.

- Transcribe is selected by default on the import button. Deselect it to import a file only for media editing and/or manual censoring. - When selected, a censored version of the file will be produced on import. Play the file and edit the censors in the media interface (and more with a Basic or Pro subscription)

- Access and manage Subscription Options from the app’s title menu option or by clicking an unavailable feature

- Feedback from the Help menu includes a roadmap of current planned updates. Stay tuned for many planned features not yet listed.

- Double-click a row to open and begin playing in the editor

- Select and right click multiple files for batch-edit options including text-removal from file names

Main-window features include: - Custom blocklists and allowlists for customized censorship for words or phrases (applies in addition to the auto-censor system, which can be optionally disabled) - Transcription window (view the transcription in realtime) with search and match count, with or without timestamps - Profanity formatting options for the transcription window - Various transcription options, including “Optimal processing (when a subtitle is available)”, “Speaker Detection”, and more

Troubleshooting - If it appears that interface segment data for your file has been lost (perhaps due to being overwritten by re-importing the same file) - A copy may be archived. Access the JSON folder from the hint icon in the media interface.

Four segment types apply to the output file when ‘Save’ is clicked: Audio (mute), Cut (remove section), Export (output file will contain only these segments), Blur (each segment can have multiple blur boxes, to be applies for that range of time) ****• ****If any of the segment types are disabled, the disabled type/s won’t be applied in the output file

Export Segments (Pro): • Saving with multiple export segments will output a concatenation of those segments (with fade settings per censor).


   • To quickly export profanity-free clips from a file, a smaller transcription model can often suffice (for clear transcript-navigation and auto-detecting most profanity).
	     - Some extra manual censor adjustments may be the trade-off (compared to larger models).

   • If you just want to export clips (without the need for auto-censoring or transcript navigation), uncheck "Transcribe" on the import button.

    **Safe file-deletion:**

        • To remove any unneeded censored file (created during transcription on import) without impacting additional exports or interface censors of the source file:
            - Right-click the row and select "Show in Finder" (not "Show source file in finder", as the interface relies on the source file).

Censor Spotlight: With a previous, play, and next button, Instantly navigate to auto-censored areas, displaying transcribed context for verification. - Content will auto-play each censored segment with .75 seconds padding when audio-censors are enabled (default) or no padding when audio-censors are disabled. - Back-arrow button: Play the previous censor and stop. - Play button: Start or resume auto-playing. It will begin at the nearest subsequent audio-censor of the playhead.

Keyboard shortcuts (more to come):

 “cmd-z / cmd-shift-z”      **-** Undo / Redo
 spacebar                             Play / Pause media
 “c”                                        Toggle segments on/off, 
 “s”                                       **-** Cycle subtitle tracks
 “shift-s”                               Toggle subtitles on/off